National cooperation
PET cooperates closely with national authorities, especially the police, the Prosecution Service, the Danish Defence, the Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS), and the Centre for Cyber Security (CFCS). This interdependent cooperation is crucial to the work of PET and to the handling of threats against Denmark and Danish interests abroad.
PET also has close bilateral cooperation with central ministries and public authorities such as the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Prime Minister's Office, the Danish Immigration Service, the Prison and Probation Service and the Danish Business Authority.
International cooperation
Many of the threats countered by PET have an international angle. Therefore, cooperation with foreign intelligence and security services is a key element of PET’s work.
PET’s international cooperation ranges from counterterrorism, counterintelligence and counterextremism to illegal procurement.
PET’s international cooperation is highly based on bilateral contact with foreign intelligence and security services and other relevant organizations. The cooperation includes joint operations and exchange of information on individuals and groups that may pose a security threat to Denmark, Danish interests abroad or foreign interests in Denmark.
PET participates in a large number of multilateral cooperation forums. One such forum is the Counter Terrorism Group (CTG), which consists of the domestic intelligence and security services of the EU countries as well as Norway, Switzerland and the UK.
PET is also a member of the cooperation platform with liaison officers that the CTG has established in the Netherlands. This platform allows member services to promptly share operational intelligence and investigative information with relevant CTG members.
PET also engages in close cooperation and experience exchange with the other Nordic intelligence services, because the Nordic intelligence services are fundamentally alike in terms of organization, approach and values.