Flemming Drejer
Graduated as a trained police officer from the Danish Police College in 1984. Completed the Danish Police Top Management Training Course (POL) and advanced international management courses (CEPOL + FBI).
The Police
2015 - Present Director of Operations and Commander, PET
2009 - 2014 Commander, North Zealand Police
2007 - 2009 Commander, Bornholm Police
2006 - 2007 Deputy Chief Superintendent and Head of Operations, Copenhagen Police
2005 - 2006 Deputy Detective Chief Superintendent and Deputy Chief of Police, Hvidovre Police
2000 - 2004 Detective Chief Inspector, Copenhagen Police
1984 - 2000 Detective Sergeant and Detective Superintendent, Copenhagen Police and PET
The Armed Forces
2017 - Present Lieutenant Colonel of the Reserves
1998 - 2014 Major of the Reserves
1990 - 1998 Captain of the Reserves
1986 - 1990 First Lieutenant of the Reserves
1980 - 1982 Second Lieutenant of the Reserves
The Police
2015 - Present Director of Operations and Commander, PET
2009 - 2014 Commander, North Zealand Police
2007 - 2009 Commander, Bornholm Police
2006 - 2007 Deputy Chief Superintendent and Head of Operations, Copenhagen Police
2005 - 2006 Deputy Detective Chief Superintendent and Deputy Chief of Police, Hvidovre Police
2000 - 2004 Detective Chief Inspector, Copenhagen Police
1984 - 2000 Detective Sergeant and Detective Superintendent, Copenhagen Police and PET
The Armed Forces
2017 - Present Lieutenant Colonel of the Reserves
1998 - 2014 Major of the Reserves
1990 - 1998 Captain of the Reserves
1986 - 1990 First Lieutenant of the Reserves
1980 - 1982 Second Lieutenant of the Reserves