Spring til hovedindhold


Be aware of your digital behaviour

Your behaviour is crucial to the protection of your information.


Photo: Ditte Valente

Foreign intelligence services and IT criminals continuously develop new methods for collecting information or hacking IT systems.


You can help prevent such attacks by following the advice and guidelines provided by your security officer and by generally being aware when using IT equipment and when navigating the internet.


Here is some specific advice for your digital behaviour:

  • Always keep your mobile phone, tablet and computer up to date with the latest security updates.
  • Keep your work and private life separate – do not use your private email address or mobile phone for work and vice versa.
  • Lock the screen when leaving your computer or mobile phone. That way a brief moment of inattention will not lead to unauthorized access.
  • Check your privacy settings on social media and think before you share personal information online. Information from social media may be used against you or your colleagues for spear phishing (targeted fake emails).
  • Never click on attachments or links unless you are certain the source is reliable.