Security assessments
PET uses knowledge from its intelligence work to identify critical and vulnerable targets in relation to acts of terrorism. A complex and dynamic threat picture requires immediate and effective action for PET to keep on top of the threats through appropriate security measures.
To support the planning and execution of the security assignments, security and risk assessments as well as operational orders are prepared, which combined form the basis for assessing the overall security requirements. The security assessments are shared with the Danish police districts along with PET’s security recommendations in order that the districts are able to initiate the required protective measures and countermeasures in relation to specific events.
Personal protection
PET is responsible for all national personal protection assignments in Denmark. These assignments mainly concern members of the Royal Family, the government, the parliament, other official representatives of Denmark, foreign representations in Denmark and individuals under particular threat. In addition, security assignments are planned and carried out in connection with high-profile official visits to Denmark, for example state visits, political conferences and similar major events.
PET also handles security assignments in connection with politicians travelling to high-risk areas as well as local, regional and general elections and, for instance, when Danish athletes participate in major sporting events abroad.
The Personal Protection Unit is responsible for all national personal protection assignments in Denmark.
Guard and protection assignments
In addition to the personal protection assignments, PET is also responsible for stationary guard and personal protection assignments such as the physical security around designated locations in Denmark, the guarding of PET’s own premises and various ad hoc guarding assignments. The Security Section under PET’s Special Intervention Unit handles guard and protection assignments.
Counterterrorism response
One of PET’s key security assignments is to maintain an operational counterterrorism response in Denmark and contribute to fighting serious organized crime by providing sound solutions to complex police assignments where standard police training and equipment are inadequate. These assignments are handled by the Special Intervention Unit, which is an operational special unit at PET.
The Negotiation Team
The negotiation assignments of the Danish police are coordinated by PET, who organizes and coordinates instruction, training and operations with all police negotiators in Denmark. The negotiators are organized in PET and the police districts, respectively, and handle national as well as international operations that include negotiation as part of the strategy. This could be in connection with incidents that require negotiation in order to avoid the use of force, to prevent any damage, to collect information or to facilitate surrender. The Negotiation Team responds to cases involving, among other things, kidnapping, barricaded dangerous offenders, armed mentally ill individuals and suicidal individuals.
PET’s Negotiation Team is part of the Special Intervention Unit.
The Special Intervention Unit
The Special Intervention Unit is an operational special unit at PET whose primary task is to maintain an operational counterterrorism response capacity and assist the rest of the Danish police during particularly difficult or dangerous assignments.
The Special Intervention UnitThe Personal Protection Unit
The Personal Protection Unit is a special unit at PET responsible for all national personal protection assignments.
The Personal Protection Unit